
Phase Linking
import numpy as np
import zarr
import moraine as mr
from moraine.utils_ import is_cuda_available
if is_cuda_available():
    import cupy as cp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt




 emi (coh:numpy.ndarray, ref:int=0)
Type Default Details
coh ndarray complex coherence metrix,dtype cupy.complex
ref int 0 index of reference image in the phase history output, optional. Default: 0
Returns tuple estimated phase history ph, dtype complex; quality (minimum eigvalue, dtype float)
# #| export
# def emi(coh:np.ndarray, #complex coherence metrix,dtype cupy.complex
#         ref:int=0, #index of reference image in the phase history output, optional. Default: 0
#        )-> tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]: # estimated phase history `ph`, dtype complex; quality (minimum eigvalue, dtype float)
#     xp = get_array_module(coh)
#     coh_mag = xp.abs(coh)
#     coh_mag_inv = xp.linalg.inv(coh_mag)
#     min_eigval, min_eig = xp.linalg.eigh(coh_mag_inv*coh)
#     min_eigval = min_eigval[...,0]
#     # min_eig = min_eig[...,0]
#     min_eig = min_eig[...,0]*min_eig[...,[ref],0].conj()

#     return min_eig/abs(min_eig), min_eigval

emi is a phase estimator base on Eigendecomposition-based Maximum-likelihood-estimator of Interferometric phase (EMI) (Ansari, De Zan, and Bamler 2018) phase linking method.

Ansari, Homa, Francesco De Zan, and Richard Bamler. 2018. “Efficient Phase Estimation for Interferogram Stacks.” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (7): 4109–25.

The amplitude of coh should range between 0 and 1 and the phase of coh should be the interferometric phase. The returned phase is also complex but the amplitude is setted to 1. The quality factor is a measure for the inadequacy of EMI’s model that adding real-valued dyadic for calibration of real coherence matrix which is generally poorly estimated. It is supposed to larger than 1 and smaller means better.


This function is deprecated as estimate coherence for all pixels are not necessary. Please use emperical_co_pc instead.

Example: Complex coherence matrix from a stack of 17 SLC images:

rslc ='../../data/rslc.zarr/','r')[:]

# SHP selection
az_half_win = 5; r_half_win = 5
az_win = 2*az_half_win+1; r_win = 2*r_half_win+1

rmli = np.abs(rslc)**2

p = mr.ks_test(rmli,az_half_win=az_half_win,r_half_win=r_half_win)
is_shp = p < 0.05

# Select DS candidate
shp_num = np.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
is_ds_can = shp_num >= 50

ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
ds_can_idx = np.stack(np.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)
ds_can_coh = mr.emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)
(740397, 136)
ds_can_ph, ds_can_emi_quality = emi(ds_can_coh)
print(ds_can_ph.shape, ds_can_emi_quality.shape)
(740397, 17) (740397,)
ds_can_emi_quality_2d = np.empty_like(is_ds_can,dtype=ds_can_emi_quality.dtype)
ds_can_emi_quality_2d[:] = np.nan
ds_can_emi_quality_2d[is_ds_can] = ds_can_emi_quality
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,10))
pcm = ax.imshow(ds_can_emi_quality_2d,interpolation='nearest',vmin=1,vmax=1.3)
ax.set(title='DS EMI quality factor',xlabel='Range Index',ylabel='Azimuth Index')

cupy.ndarray is also supported:

if is_cuda_available():
    ds_can_ph_, ds_can_emi_quality_ = emi(cp.asarray(ds_can_coh))

Temporal Coherence for Distributed Scatterer



 ds_temp_coh (coh:numpy.ndarray, ph:numpy.ndarray,
              image_pairs:numpy.ndarray=None, block_size:int=128)
Type Default Details
coh ndarray complex coherence metrix, np.complex64 or cp.complex64
ph ndarray complex phase history, np.complex64 or cp.complex64
image_pairs ndarray None image pairs, all image pairs by default
block_size int 128 the CUDA block size, only applied for cuda

This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future release. Please use temp_coh from Temporal Coherence.

This function estimate the temporal coherence of as

\[\gamma = \frac{1}{N_{IP}} \left| \sum_{n, k \in IP} e^{i\phi_{nk}} e^{-i(\theta_n-\theta_k)} \right| \]

Where \(\phi_{nk}\) is the phase of complex interferogram/coherence matrix, \(\theta_{n}\) is the phase of rslc or phase after phase linking, \(IP\) is the image pairs, \(N_{IP}\) is the number of image pairs.

If all image pairs are considered, then it is:

\[\gamma = \frac{2}{N^2-N} \left| \sum_{n=1}^{N} \sum_{k=n+1}^{N} e^{i\phi_{nk}} e^{-i(\theta_n-\theta_k)} \right| \]

rslc ='../../data/rslc.zarr/','r')[:]

# SHP selection
az_half_win = 5; r_half_win = 5
az_win = 2*az_half_win+1; r_win = 2*r_half_win+1

rmli = np.abs(rslc)**2
p = mr.ks_test(rmli,az_half_win=az_half_win,r_half_win=r_half_win)
is_shp = p < 0.05

# Select DS candidate
shp_num = np.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
is_ds_can = shp_num >= 50

ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
ds_can_idx = np.stack(np.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)
ds_can_coh = mr.emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)
ds_can_ph = emi(ds_can_coh)[0]
(740397, 136) (740397, 17)
ds_can_temp_coh = ds_temp_coh(ds_can_coh,ds_can_ph)
if is_cuda_available():
    ds_can_temp_coh_cp = ds_temp_coh(cp.asarray(ds_can_coh), cp.asarray(ds_can_ph))
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ds_can_temp_coh, ds_can_temp_coh_cp.get())
ds_can_temp_coh_2d = np.empty_like(is_ds_can,dtype=ds_can_temp_coh.dtype)
ds_can_temp_coh_2d[:] = np.nan
ds_can_temp_coh_2d[is_ds_can] = ds_can_temp_coh
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,10))
pcm = ax.imshow(ds_can_temp_coh_2d,interpolation='nearest',vmin=0,vmax=1)
ax.set(title='DS Temporal Coherence',xlabel='Range Index',ylabel='Azimuth Index')



 emperical_co_emi_temp_coh_pc (rslc:numpy.ndarray, idx:numpy.ndarray,
Type Default Details
rslc ndarray rslc stack, dtype:‘np.complex64’
idx ndarray index of point target (azimuth_index, range_index), dtype: np.int32, shape: (n_pc, 2)
pc_is_shp ndarray shp bool, dtype:‘np.bool’
batch_size int 1000

emperical_co_emi_temp_coh_pc is the combination of emperical_co_pc, emi and ds_temp_coh. But it does not return the coherence matrix as the full coherence matrix may be too big to fill the memory. The functions provide the batch_size options to do the processing in batch.

rslc ='../../data/rslc.zarr/','r')[:]

# SHP selection
az_half_win = 5; r_half_win = 5
az_win = 2*az_half_win+1; r_win = 2*r_half_win+1

rmli = np.abs(rslc)**2
p = mr.ks_test(rmli,az_half_win=az_half_win,r_half_win=r_half_win)
is_shp = p < 0.05

# Select DS candidate
shp_num = np.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
is_ds_can = shp_num >= 50

ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
ds_can_idx = np.stack(np.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)
ds_can_ph, ds_can_emi_quality, ds_can_t_coh = emperical_co_emi_temp_coh_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp,batch_size=1000)
ds_can_coh_ = mr.emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)
ds_can_ph_, ds_can_emi_quality_ = emi(ds_can_coh_)
ds_can_t_coh_ = ds_temp_coh(ds_can_coh_,ds_can_ph_)