
Covariance and Coherence Matrix Estimation
import zarr
import moraine as mr
import math
import itertools
from moraine.utils_ import is_cuda_available
if is_cuda_available():
    import cupy as cp

Covariance and Coherence Matrix Estimator



 emperical_co (rslc:numpy.ndarray, is_shp:numpy.ndarray,

Maximum likelihood covariance estimator.

Type Default Details
rslc ndarray rslc stack, dtype: cupy.complexfloating
is_shp ndarray shp bool, dtype: cupy.bool
block_size int 128 the CUDA block size, it only affects the calculation speed
Returns tuple the covariance and coherence matrix cov and coh

This function is deprecated as estimate coherence for all pixels are not necessary. Please use emperical_co_pc instead.

The cov and coh is defined as:

\[ cov = E(z_1z_2^*) \quad coh=\frac{E(z_1z_2^*)}{\sqrt{E(|z_1|^2)E(|z_2|^2)}} \]

where \(z_1\) and \(z_2\) are the reference and secondary SLC images, respectively. cov and coh are estimated as:

\[ cov = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{L}z_1^{i}z_2^{i*}}{L} \quad coh = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{L}z_1^{i}z_2^{i*}}{\sqrt(\sum_{i=1}^{L}|z_1^{i}|^2)(\sum_{i=1}^{L}|z_2^{i}|^2)} \]

using all selected SHPs. Their shapes are [nlines,width,nimages,nimages]. Note dim 2 and dim 3 are reference images and secondary images, respectively.

The rslc is a three dimentional cupy ndarray. The dtype should be cupy.complex64. From outerest to innerest, the three dimentions are azimuth, range and image. is_shp is a four dimentional cupy ndarray. It describes if pixels in the search window are SHP to the central pixel. From outerest ot innerest, they are azimuth, range, secondary pixel relative azimuth, secondary pixel relative range.

Here is an example:

# synthetic data
rslc = np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32) + 1j*np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32)
half_az_win = 1;
half_r_win = 2;
is_shp = np.random.choice(a=[False, True], size=(5,10,2*half_az_win+1,2*half_r_win+1), p=[0.3, 0.7])
for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(is_shp.shape[0]),range(is_shp.shape[1]),range(is_shp.shape[2]),range(is_shp.shape[3])):
    if (k == half_az_win) and (l == half_r_win):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = True
    if (i+k-half_az_win<0) or (i+k-half_az_win>=rslc.shape[0]) or (j+l-half_r_win<0) or (j+l-half_r_win>=rslc.shape[1]):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = False
print(rslc.shape, is_shp.shape, is_shp[2,3])
(5, 10, 17) (5, 10, 3, 5) [[ True False False  True  True]
 [ True False  True  True  True]
 [False  True  True  True  True]]

rslc is a stack of 17 rslc images. Each of the image has 5 pixel in azimuth dimention and 10 pixels in range dimention. It shows for pixel (2,3), the (3*5) window around it has 2 SHPs to it (the central one is itself).

if is_cuda_available():
    rslc_cp = cp.asarray(rslc)
    is_shp_cp = cp.asarray(is_shp)
    cov_cp,coh_cp = emperical_co(rslc_cp,is_shp_cp)
    print(cov_cp.shape, coh_cp.shape)
(5, 10, 17, 17) (5, 10, 17, 17)

Both cov and coh are complex data. The shape shows each covarience or coherence matrix is 17 by 17 since there are 17 images. And cov and coh are matrix for all 5*10 pixels.



 emperical_co_pc (rslc:numpy.ndarray, idx:numpy.ndarray,
                  pc_is_shp:numpy.ndarray, block_size:int=128,

Maximum likelihood covariance estimator for point cloud data.

Type Default Details
rslc ndarray rslc stack, dtype: np.complex64
idx ndarray index of point target (azimuth_index, range_index), dtype: np.int32, shape: (n_pc, 2)
pc_is_shp ndarray shp bool, dtype: bool
block_size int 128 the CUDA block size, it only affects the calculation speed
image_pairs ndarray None only coherence of those image pairs will estimated, dtype: np.int32, shape: (n_image_pair, 2)
Returns ndarray coh, dtype:np.complex64, shape(n_pc, n_image_pair)

emperical_co_pc is the emperical_co on sparse data, e.g., DSs. rslc is same as emperical_co. sp_idx is the index, i.e., a tuple of (azimuth_idx, range_idx). Each index is 1D array. pc_is_shp is similar to is_shp in emperical_co but it only contains information about the point cloud data. It is a 3D array with shape [number_of_point,az_win,r_win].

Compared with emperical_co, emperical_co_pc only estimate coherence at specific position so the memory usage is much small.

emperical_co only return the coherence of specified image pairs to save data volume (compressed coherence). By default, only the upper triangle (with offset=1) of the coherence matrix is returned.


# synthetic data
rslc = np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32) + 1j*np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32)
half_az_win = 1;
half_r_win = 2;

is_shp = np.random.choice(a=[False, True], size=(5,10,2*half_az_win+1,2*half_r_win+1), p=[0.9, 0.1])
# ensure the format of is_shp is correct:
for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(is_shp.shape[0]),range(is_shp.shape[1]),range(is_shp.shape[2]),range(is_shp.shape[3])):
    if (k == half_az_win) and (l == half_r_win):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = True
    if (i+k-half_az_win<0) or (i+k-half_az_win>=rslc.shape[0]) or (j+l-half_r_win<0) or (j+l-half_r_win>=rslc.shape[1]):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = False

shp_num = np.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
is_ds_can = shp_num >= 3
ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
ds_can_idx = np.stack(np.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)

(5, 10, 17) (15, 2) (15, 3, 5)

rslc is a stack of 17 rslc images. Each of the image has 5 pixel in azimuth dimention and 10 pixels in range dimention. ds_can_idx shows the index of the DS candidates and ds_can_is_shp shows the corrosponding SHPs.

ds_can_coh = emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)
(15, 136)

The shape of the coherence matrix is (17,17) while only the upper triangle of it is returned (136 elements).

Or, we can specify the image pairs:

tempnet = mr.TempNet.from_bandwidth(rslc.shape[0],bandwidth=3)
print(tempnet.image_pairs.shape) # 9 rslc image pairs
ds_can_coh = emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp,image_pairs=tempnet.image_pairs)
(9, 2)
(15, 9)

Input cupy.ndarray is also supported:

if is_cuda_available():
    rslc_cp = cp.asarray(rslc)
    ds_can_idx_cp = cp.asarray(ds_can_idx)
    ds_can_is_shp_cp = cp.asarray(ds_can_is_shp)
    ds_can_coh_cp = emperical_co_pc(rslc_cp,ds_can_idx_cp,ds_can_is_shp_cp)



 uncompress_coh (coh:numpy.ndarray, image_pairs:numpy.ndarray=None)

uncompress coh matrix to a hermitian matrix

Type Default Details
coh ndarray compressed coherence stack, dtype: np.complex64, shape(…,n_image_pair)
image_pairs ndarray None image pairs, dtype: np.int32, shape: (n_image_pair, 2), all pairs by default
Returns ndarray uncompressed, dtype:np.complex64, shape(…, n_image_pair)


nimages = 5
tempnet = mr.TempNet.from_bandwidth(nimages,bandwidth=2)
coh = np.random.rand(tempnet.image_pairs.shape[0]).astype(np.float32) + 1j*np.random.rand(tempnet.image_pairs.shape[0]).astype(np.float32)
uncompressed_coh = uncompress_coh(coh,tempnet.image_pairs)
(7, 2)
array([[1.        , 0.3080705 , 0.08792049, 0.        , 0.        ],
       [0.3080705 , 1.        , 0.8791743 , 0.56917405, 0.        ],
       [0.08792049, 0.8791743 , 1.        , 0.66460145, 0.7009682 ],
       [0.        , 0.56917405, 0.66460145, 1.        , 0.28084692],
       [0.        , 0.        , 0.7009682 , 0.28084692, 1.        ]],



 ad_intf_pc (ref_rslc:numpy.ndarray, sec_rslc:numpy.ndarray,
             idx:numpy.ndarray, pc_is_shp:numpy.ndarray,

Adaptive multilooking interferogram generation for point cloud data.

Type Default Details
ref_rslc ndarray reference rslc, dtype: np.complex64
sec_rslc ndarray secondary rslc, dtype: np.complex64
idx ndarray index of point target (azimuth_index, range_index), dtype: np.int32, shape: (n_pc, 2)
pc_is_shp ndarray shp bool, dtype: bool
block_size int 128 the CUDA block size, it only affects the calculation speed
Returns ndarray coh, dtype:np.complex64, shape(n_pc, n_image_pair)

adf_intf_pc is similar to emperical_co_pc but only one interferogram generated.


# synthetic data
rslc = np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32) + 1j*np.random.rand(5,10,17).astype(np.float32)
half_az_win = 1;
half_r_win = 2;

is_shp = np.random.choice(a=[False, True], size=(5,10,2*half_az_win+1,2*half_r_win+1), p=[0.9, 0.1])
# ensure the format of is_shp is correct:
for i, j, k, l in itertools.product(range(is_shp.shape[0]),range(is_shp.shape[1]),range(is_shp.shape[2]),range(is_shp.shape[3])):
    if (k == half_az_win) and (l == half_r_win):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = True
    if (i+k-half_az_win<0) or (i+k-half_az_win>=rslc.shape[0]) or (j+l-half_r_win<0) or (j+l-half_r_win>=rslc.shape[1]):
        is_shp[i,j,k,l] = False

shp_num = np.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
is_ds_can = shp_num >= 3
ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
ds_can_idx = np.stack(np.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)

(5, 10, 17) (16, 2) (16, 3, 5)
ds_can_coh = emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)
inf = ad_intf_pc(rslc[:,:,0],rslc[:,:,1],ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp)

Covariance and Coherence Matrix Regularizer



 isPD (co:numpy.ndarray)
Type Details
co ndarray absolute value of complex coherence/covariance stack
Returns ndarray bool array indicating wheather coherence/covariance is positive define

This function is deprecated.

This function tells if the matrix is positive defined or not.

Code for generating data for doc
rslc ='../../data/rslc.zarr/','r')[600:650,600:650]
if is_cuda_available():
    rslc = cp.asarray(rslc)
    # SHP selection
    az_half_win = 5; r_half_win = 5
    az_win = 2*az_half_win+1; r_win = 2*r_half_win+1
    rmli = cp.abs(rslc)**2
    sorted_rmli = cp.sort(rmli,axis=-1)
    p = mr.ks_test(sorted_rmli,az_half_win=az_half_win,r_half_win=r_half_win)
    is_shp = p < 0.05
    # Select DS candidate
    shp_num = cp.count_nonzero(is_shp,axis=(-2,-1))
    is_ds_can = shp_num >= 50
    ds_can_is_shp = is_shp[is_ds_can]
    ds_can_idx = cp.stack(cp.where(is_ds_can),axis=-1)
    ds_can_coh = uncompress_coh(emperical_co_pc(rslc,ds_can_idx,ds_can_is_shp))
if is_cuda_available():
(149, 17, 17)
if is_cuda_available():
    isPD_ds_can = isPD(ds_can_coh)
[ True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True  True
  True  True  True  True  True]

All coherence matrix are positive defined.



 nearestPD (co:numpy.ndarray)

Find the nearest positive-definite matrix to input matrix.

Type Details
co ndarray stack of matrix with shape […,N,N]
Returns ndarray nearest positive definite matrix of input, shape […,N,N]

nearest means the Frobenius norm of the difference is minimized.



 regularize_spectral (coh:numpy.ndarray, beta:Union[float,numpy.ndarray])

Spectral regularizer for coherence matrix.

Type Details
coh ndarray stack of matrix with shape […,N,N]
beta Union the regularization parameter, a float number or cupy ndarray with shape […]
Returns ndarray regularized matrix, shape […,N,N]

This function is deprecated.

regularize_spectral can regularize the absolute value of coherence matrix for better phase linking. It is first presented in (Zwieback 2022).

Zwieback, S. 2022. “Cheap, Valid Regularizers for Improved Interferometric Phase Linking.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19: 1–4.


Code for generating data for doc
rslc ='../../data/rslc.zarr/','r')[600:605,600:610]
if is_cuda_available():
    rslc = cp.asarray(rslc)
    # SHP selection
    az_half_win = 1; r_half_win = 2
    az_win = 2*az_half_win+1; r_win = 2*r_half_win+1
    rmli = cp.abs(rslc)**2
    sorted_rmli = cp.sort(rmli,axis=-1)
    p = mr.ks_test(sorted_rmli,az_half_win=az_half_win,r_half_win=r_half_win)
    is_shp = p < 0.05
    cov,coh = emperical_co(rslc,is_shp)
if is_cuda_available():
(5, 10, 17, 17)
if is_cuda_available():
    regularized_coh1 = regularize_spectral(coh,0.1)

More general, bata can be a cp.ndarray:

if is_cuda_available():
    beta = cp.ones(coh.shape[:-2])/10
    regularized_coh2 = regularize_spectral(coh,beta)